
The article deals with the peculiarities of psychological and physical health components as the life quality indicators in correlation with the time perspective at the late ontogenesis stage (aged 58–93) in groups of people leading different lifestyles: elderly non-working people who are at home-based social services; elderly non-working people, leading an active lifestyle. It has been established that subjective indicators of life quality is at the rather low level and decreases with age. An active lifestyle, as well as cohabitation living, contributes to keep higher life quality. The prevailing temporal orientations in the general sample are «Future» and «Positive Past». A balanced time perspective is observed in one third of respondents. The Past and the Present are correlated, while the mode of the future is isolated. Active pensioners are more future-oriented then the older people at social services. The age of 64–75 years is the most balanced, when all three aspects of time are actualised and integrated in the personality time perspective. Single or cohabiting living does not affect the personality time perspective. The life quality is correlated with the time perspective: the factors «Hedonistic present», «Fatalistic present» and «Negative past» are mainly related to the psychological component of health and its parameters.

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