
To reduce the losses caused by aging failure of insulation gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), which is the core components of nuclear power plant rod position indicating and rod control (RPC) system. It is necessary to conduct studies on its life prediction. The selection of IGBT failure characteristic parameters in existing research relies heavily on failure principles and expert experience. Moreover, the analysis and learning of time-domain degradation data have not been fully conducted, resulting in low prediction efficiency as the monotonicity, time correlation, and poor anti-interference ability of extracted degradation features.This paper utilizes the advantages of the stacked denoising autoencoder(SDAE) network in adaptive feature extraction and denoising capabilities to perform adaptive feature extraction on IGBT time-domain degradation data; establishes a long-short-term memory (LSTM) prediction model, and optimizes the learning rate, number of nodes in the hidden layer, and number of hidden layers using the Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) algorithm; conducts verification experiments on the IGBT accelerated aging dataset provided by NASA PCoE Research Center, and selects performance evaluation indicators to compare and analyze the prediction results of the SDAE-LSTM model, PSO-LSTM model, and BP model. The results show that the SDAE-LSTM model can achieve more accurate and stable IGBT life prediction.

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