
Recently, the topic of the life positions of young people attracts more attention due to the activation of youth in the socio-political space of the society life: defending their right to participate in the formation of urban space, participation in volunteer and environmental movement, for the preservation of cultural heritage and values ​​of a various spectrum: from traditional to modern. The nature of these and other types of activity is regulated by a life position, reflecting the understanding by different groups of young people of themselves, the meaning of their life, their role in society. The article examines the essence of the life position of youth, the specifics of its formation within the existing semantic space of reality and the relationship with social activity. On the basis of the concept of socio-cultural self-regulation of life activity developed by the Center for Sociology of Youth of the Institute of Socio-Political Research FCTAS RAS and the data obtained in the course of the Center for Sociological Research, the author analyses the connection between the life position of young people and age, the level of material status and education, as well as with regional living conditions. The interconnection between the life positions of young people and their ideological attitudes towards individualism and collectivism, trust and distrust of others are described. By using structural and taxonomic modeling of the life process of young people, the interrelationships of their life positions with elements of the socio-cultural mechanism of self-regulation are considered. Thus, the author analyzes the connections between the core of the taxon of habitus of active and passive life positions of young people with archetypes, mental traits, modern features and life-meaning values, types of youth cultures. It has been established that the regulatory function of an active life position is realiszed through both traditional and modern elements of the self-regulation mechanism: by archetypes of glory and idealzation of the past, on the one hand, and rationalism, openness to everything foreign, attitude to the country as a place of residence, on the other. In turn, the regulatory function of a passive life position is predominantly formed under the influence of the conditions of the vital activities of the young people, and the role of youth types of culture and life-meaning values ​​is reduced to their awareness of the semantic content of the formed habitual attitude. The article also analyzes the indicators of the social activity of young people based on their connection with the worldview semantic attitudes.

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