
The versatile and laureate geologist Professor Andreas Hoppe (1948—), whose contributions range from Precambrian and Quaternary geology, through environmental geology to the geology of natural resources has now enlarged his range of interest to include the history of geology by publishing a wonderfully detailed biography of his former institute director Professor Max Pfannenstiel (1902-1976) in Freiburg im Breisgau. Just by looking at the full title of the book discloses a partial reason for publishing this biography: Unter und Oben — Max Pfannenstiel im 20. Jahrhundert — Katholik mit jüdischen Vorfahren, Geologe und Bibliothekar, im Exil und bei der Wehrmacht, Ordinarius and Rektor (=Below and Above — Max Pfannenstiel in the 20th century — Catholic with Jewish ancestors, geologist and librarian, in Exile and in the Wehrmacht1 , ordinarius2 and rector3 ). 

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