
From April 1992 until June 1993, the seasonal dynamics of Rhabdochona hellichi (Srámek, 1901) in its definitive host, the barbel (Barbus barbus), was studied in the Jihlava River (the Danube basin), Czech Republic. The parasite occurred in barbel throughout the year (overall prevalence 93% and intensity of infection 1-1384 [mean 78] nematodes per fish), but there were distinct seasonal fluctuations in prevalence and mean intensity values associated with the parasite's seasonal cycle of maturation. Prevalence was very high (usually 100%) during most months of the year, while lowest values were recorded in August and October. The highest values of mean intensity occurred in April. Both prevalence and mean intensity values increased with the body length of the hosts. The parasite exhibited a distinct annual cycle of maturation with egg-producing females present only from June until August, whereas larvae occurred in barbel mostly from September until April of the next year. Trichopteran (caddis-fly) larvae of the genus Hydropsyche (H. angustipennis and H. pellucidula) were found as natural intermediate hosts of R. hellichi (prevalence 4%, intensity 1-10 nematode larvae). The strictly seasonal maturation of this nematode may be associated with the temperature regime in the locality and seasonal cycles of maturation of its intermediate hosts.

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