
The present study describes the life history of Gymnotus refugio, a species classified as Endangered in the last published list of threatened species of the Brazilian fauna. The study was conducted at a conservation unity that protect one of the last remaining semideciduous forests in the region. The reproductive period was estimated as occurring from the end of winter to the last summer months. Gymnotus refugio exibited fractional spawning, the lowest relative fecundity registered among the Gymnotifomes species studied at the present, and male parental care behavior. The analyses showed a seasonal pattern on the species diet, associating different food categories to winter, autumn, and spring. According to food items analysis and estimated intestinal quotient, G. refugio was classified as invertivorous, feeding mainly on autochthonous insects. The results obtained herein suggest that the position of G. refugio as an Endangered species might be influenced by its territoriality, habitat specificity, parental care behavior, and low fecundity, reinforcing the importance of swampy forest environment conservation as the only means of the species maintenance.

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