
Apocarchesium rosettum and A. arndti were originally discovered in Japan (Lake Biwa) and Germany (River Rhine), respectively. We report the first record of A. arndti in the Danube and provide a detailed description of its colony development. Our findings support the theory of moderate endemicity and reveal a new, smaller zooid type in A. arndti. This zooid remains attached to the colony, connected to the stalk myoneme but lacks an aboral ciliary wreath. Unlike microzooids, it is incapable of leaving the colony. It exhibits a less spherical shape and arises from the fourth division of the colony-founder cell. Although its specific function is unknown, it is hypothesized to support the stalk dish. Our results have significant implications for understanding the systematics of vorticellids, suggesting their ancestral nature as colonial organisms characterized by a helically contracting stalk myoneme. Furthermore, the exclusive retention of the stalk myoneme by the parental cell after binary fission may serve as a synapomorphy for the Vorticellidae. We provide a descriptive analysis of the ecological environment and microhabitat of A. arndti in the Danube, revealing its preference for well-developed, detritus-rich biofilms during summer, absence in late winter and spring, emergence during peak summer, and subsequent decline until mid-winter.

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