
AbstractThe life‐history characteristics of Fritillaria koidzumiana Ohwi (Liliaceae) are described here. This is a typical spring ephemeral of deciduous forests in the lowlands of central Honshu, ranging from Yamagata to Ishikawa Prefecture along the Japan Sea coast, but with very peculiar disjunctions in Shizuoka and Yamanashi Prefectures on the Pacific side. This small insect‐pollinated polycarpic perennial herb bears a single unshowy greenish yellow flower, blooming downward, but attracting pollinators, such as small bees and flies, and produces numerous propagules exclusively by means of sexual reproduction. Frutescence occurs in late April to mid‐May. Seed outputs are high, with fecundity levels attaining approximately 75% per ovary. Seeds are furnished with an elaiosome and susceptible to ant dispersal.

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