
Abstract We describe the rules of primary flight-feather replacement for Pelagic Cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus), and contrast the completeness of primary replacement in individuals from Asia and North America. In adult Pelagic Cormorants primary replacement is stepwise, with multiple waves of molt, each initiated at the innermost primary (P1), proceeding simultaneously toward the tip of the wing. Shugart and Rohwer's (1996) ontogenetic model for generating and maintaining stepwise primary replacement depended upon incomplete molts. In each new episode of molt, waves of primary replacement were thought to be initiated at P1 and at each arrested wave that had failed to replace all old feathers in the preceding molt. Because most adult Pelagic Cormorants from North America completely replace their primaries but maintain stepwise primary molts, the latter assumption must be relaxed. In contrast to the present-day situation in North America, Pelagic Cormorants from northeastern Asia have incomplete molts...

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