
Abstract The study was aimed at following, under laboratory conditions, embryogenesis of the nematode Contracaecum rudolphii, and at identifying its intermediate hosts in northeastern Poland. Nematode eggs, isolated from the terminal part of the female uterus, were placed in 0.9 and 3% NaCl solutions, 1% formalin, and in tap water. Each solution batch was divided into 3 parts kept at 4, 15, and 23°C. Regardless of the temperature they were exposed to, the eggs placed in 1% formalin showed numerous deformations; as few as 5% of those eggs produced larvae. Embryogenesis was at its fastest in the eggs kept at 23°C. While still within the eggs, the larvae underwent two moults. The eggs hatched to produce the stage 3 larvae, which emerged surrounded by the cuticle of the preceding larval stage. Experimental infestations of zooplankton collected from Lake Kortowskie showed that only cyclopoid copepods could serve as the intermediate hosts. No differences in the infestation intensity were found between the guppies infested by the invasive larvae and those fed the infested cyclopoids.

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