
We examined exogenous and endogenous development of Eimeria procera in experimentally infected grey partridges ( Perdix perdix). Our examination included data on morphology, localization, duration of schizogony and gametogony and morphology of sporulated oocysts. The endogenous stages of E. procera developed in large numbers within the epithelial cells of caecal crypts. The asexual development comprised three generations of schizonts. The first fully developed macrogametes and microgamonts were observed on Day 5 post-infection (p.i.) in histologic section. The patent period began on Day 6 p.i. and ended on Day 11 p.i. with peak production of oocysts on Days 7 and 8. Long oval oocysts of E. procera measured 25.78–28.13 μm in length and 14.06–15.24 μm in width, sporulation time ranged from 18 to 24 h at 25°C and from 36 to 48 h at 20°C.

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