
This paper presents the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) results of biodiesel produced from rapeseed oil. The functional unit (FU) is defined as 3750 km of distance traveled by a truck fuelled with biodiesel. The reference flow is 1000 kg of biodiesel. The LCIA method used in the study is the ReCiPe method. At midpoint level the ReCiPe method addresses environmental issues within 18 impact categories. Most of these midpoint impact categories are further converted and aggregated into 3 endpoint categories (damage to human health, damage to ecosystem diversity, damage to mineral resource availability). The total impact of biodiesel?s life cycle was estimated at 540 Pt/FU. The damage to ecosystem diversity (1.48E-04 species?year/FU), the damage to human health (7.48E-03 DALY/FU) and the damage to mineral resource availability (8.11E+03 US$/FU) are responsible for 63%, 27% and 10% of the total negative impact in the life cycle of biodiesel, respectively. The results have revealed that only 4 impact categories are responsible for most of the impacts within the specific endpoint categories. These are impacts associated with global warming (3000 kg CO2 ekv./FU), particulate matter formation (12.4 kg PM ekv./FU), agricultural land occupation (6710 m2a./FU) and fossil fuel depletion (21168 MJ/FU). Greenhouse gases emitted in the life cycle of biodiesel (mainly N2O, CO2) are responsibly for 56% of the damage caused to human health and for 16% of the damage caused to ecosystem diversity. Airborne emissions which contribute to particulate matter formation (NOx, NH3, PM, SO2) are responsible for 43% of the damage caused to human health. Agricultural land occupation is responsible for 82% of the damage caused to the ecosystem diversity. Damage to mineral resource availability is almost entirely related to the depletion of fossil energy sources. The production chain of biodiesel and the combustion of biodiesel are responsible for 69% and 31% of the total impact of biodiesel?s life cycle, respectively. The negative impact of the production chain is mainly related to biodiversity loss due to agricultural land occupation (38%) and the life cycle impacts of mineral fertilizers used in the production of rapeseed (47%). The environmental impact of biodiesel can be reduced by increasing the yield of rapeseed with more efficient use of fertilizers and optimization of agro-technical processes.


  • Izvod U radu su prikazani rezultati ocenjivanja uticaja životnog ciklusa biodizela proizvedenog od ulja uljane repice ReCiPe metodom

  • Kako je istaknuto u Uvodu, ocenjivanje uticaja životnog ciklusa biodizela proizvedenog od ulja uljane repice na životnu sredinu

  • Pored CO2 u procesu sagorevanja 1000 kg biodizela u vazduh se oslobađa 3,37 kg CO, 28,8 kg NOx, 26,4 g N2O, 335 g PM2.5, 49,2 g PMco, 0,61 kg NMVOC, 14,3 g CH4, 18,7 g NH3 i 4,3 g benzena [10,15]

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Ocenjivanje uticaja životnog ciklusa biodizela ReCiPe metodom

Bošković Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad, Republika Srbija. Izvod U radu su prikazani rezultati ocenjivanja uticaja životnog ciklusa biodizela proizvedenog od ulja uljane repice ReCiPe metodom. Funkcionalna jedinica (FJ) je definisana kao 3750 km pređenog puta kamionom na biodizel gorivo. Od ukupno 18 ispitivanih kategorija uticaja svega 4 je odgovorno za 99% ukupnog uticaja životnog ciklusa biodizela. Zauzimanje poljoprivrednih površina (0,67 ha·god./FJ) je odgovorno za oko polovine ukupnog negativnog uticaja životnog ciklusa biodizela. Emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte (3000 kg CO2 ekv./FJ) i emisija materija koje utiču na formiranje suspendovanih čestica (12,4 kg PMekv./FJ) prouzrokuju 37% negativnog uticaja životnog ciklusa. Preostali deo negativnog uticaja životnog ciklusa je uglavnom posledica smanjenja rezervi fosilnih goriva (21168 MJ/FJ). Ključne reči: biodizel, uljana repica, ocenjivanje životnog ciklusa, ReCiPe metod

Inventarisanje životnog ciklusa
Količina kg N
Metod za ocenjivanje uticaja životnog ciklusa
Rezultat inventarisanja životnog ciklusa
Metalid kg
Emisije u zemljište
Korišćenje vode
Rezultat ocenjivanja uticaja životnog ciklusa
Ukupna šteta prouzrokovana životnim ciklusom biodizela
Ekstrakcija i rafinacija ulja
Sagorevanje biodizela Ukupno ŽC
Šteta zbog umanjene raspoloživosti mineralnih resursa
Električna energija
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