
Several measures of life cycle cow efficiency were calculated using weights and individual feed consumptions recorded on 160 dams of beef, dairy and beef X dairy breeding and their progeny. Ratios of output to input were used to estimate efficiency, where outputs included weaning weights of progeny plus salvage value of the dam and inputs included creep feed consumed by progeny plus feed consumed by the dam over her entire lifetime. In one approach to estimating efficiency, inputs and outputs were weighted by probabilities that were a function of the cow herd age distribution and percentage calf crop in a theoretical herd. The second approach to estimating cow efficiency involved dividing the sum of the weights by the sum of the feed consumption values, with all pieces of information being given equal weighting. Relationships among efficiency estimates and various traits of dams and progeny were examined. Weights, heights, and weight:height ratios of dams at 240 d of age were not correlated significantly with subsequent efficiency of calf production, indicating that indirect selection for lifetime cow efficiency at an early age based on these traits would be ineffective. However, females exhibiting more efficient weight gains from 240 d to first calving tended to become more efficient dams. Correlations of efficiency with weight of dam at calving and at weaning were negative and generally highly significant. Height at withers was negatively related to efficiency. Ratio of weight to height indicated that fatter dams generally were less efficient. The effect of milk production on efficiency depended upon the breed combinations involved. Dams calving for the first time at an early age and continuing to calve at short intervals were superior in efficiency. Weaning rate was closely related to life cycle efficiency. Large negative correlations between efficiency and feed consumption of dams were observed, while correlations of efficiency with progeny weights and feed consumptions in individual parities tended to be positive though nonsignificant. However, correlations of efficiency with accumulative progeny weights and feed consumptions generally were significant.

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