
In Italy 72 poplar clones ( Populus spp.) are registered for commercialization. They were selected for fast growth, stem shape and disease resistance. The new selections (named MSA) includes genotypes with very high resistance to all the main diseases and to one insect, Phloeomizus passerinii (Sign.). Fast growth and disease resistance allow to produce wood with low environmental and economic costs; for this reason in some Italian Regions the introduction of a percentage of these clones in poplar stand is mandatory to obtain funding for their establishment (Rural Development Plan). To better understand the environmental advantages deriving from the use of these clones, in comparison with the old genotypes (particularly ‘I-214’), a ‘Life Cycle Assessment’ approach was applied considering as impact indicator the CO 2 equivalent emissions; from stoolbed to commercial stand, primary data were collected from an Italian experience. Firstly with the Inventory Analysis all the raw material, energy, wastes and emissions related were collected for each cultivation phase. The Analysis showed a reduction of 9% of CO 2 eq. ha -1 emitted, growing MSA instead of ‘I-214’. Considering the emissions per volume of wood, ‘I-214’ requests 47.5 kg CO 2 eq. per m 3 , compared with MSA that request 36.6 kg CO 2 eq. per m 3 .

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