
Regardless a large number of published researches on environmentally friendly building design, realized buildings with a low or zero-emission balance throughout the whole life cycle are rare. Life cycle assessment during building design is not considered a creative but merely calculating task with no direct relation to architecture itself. This research offers an iterative design method, based on life-cycle assessment for buildings, allowing during concept phase to set path for achieving low or zero environmental impact levels. The paper analyses the interrelation of main aspect fields of life-cycle assessment, such as: emission reduction, energy and cost saving as well as implementation of renewable resources during concept design phase for residential buildings. The applicability of the developed LCA based concept design method, its effectiveness for the environmental quality of buildings and influence on architectural factors is examined in a case study project for the hot and dry climate of Cairo. The authors consider, that a combined application of digital environmental assessment tools in initial project phases creates synergies for architectural quality and environmental performance. A combined use of digital tools for the three main aspects; emissions, renewable energy and economic factors allows architects with reasonable effort to design low emission buildings with strong incentives for the creative architectural design process.

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