
In this work, the evaluation of the life cycle of the service provided by a medium-power motorcycle in a Spanish urban environment was carried out, comparing two motorcycles, a battery electric vehicle (BEV) is compared with an internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV). The economic study of the total costs of ownership is also carried out considering the environmental costs associated with each type of vehicle. A comprehensive inventory is compiled for both vehicles (motorcycles) that describes the most relevant components and includes two types of batteries for the BEV. A sensitivity analysis of the most impactful parameters is also considered.The results indicate that the ICEV contributes approximately 5 times more in the global warming potential impact category mainly due to the consumption of fossil fuels. The BEV also impacts some categories in the manufacturing stage, a fact that is strongly related to the battery. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the total distance travelled plays an important role, but the electricity mix is probably the most relevant factor in terms of climate change impact category. The economic analysis reported lower environmental externality costs for the BEV, making it more affordable than the ICEV and highlighting the benefit in terms of air pollution. The BEV is presented as a suitable option vehicle from environmental and economic point of view and one of the actors to accelerate the transition towards a more sustainable urban mobility model.

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