
“Thanatology is the study of the signs, dynamics and statics of death,” this is a definition given by Georgy V. Shore to the science, to which he devoted his career. The professor was the father of the autopsy in Russia, made a huge contribution to the development of medical education, and strived for constant improvement of diagnostic and treatment options. His unique approach to the study of medicine was based on the intersection of clinic and morphology and attracted many followers. Georgy V. Shore devoted a significant part of his work to developing techniques for preserving anatomical museum specimens. As a dissector, Georgy V. Shore contributed greatly to the invention of new autopsy techniques to facilitate and improve the work of pathologists; and today we use the approaches he developed. The ideas presented in his “Teaching of Death” are the quintessence of the scientific thought of Georgy V. Shor and are still discussed by the medical community. Where people saw only death, G.V. Shor was discovering something new for life. This year is the 150th anniversary of Georgy V. Shor’s birth; it is worth remembering the significant events associated with the name of this brilliant scientist

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