
What was the shape of the average Roman's year? How and why did the seven-day week come into existence? What was the nature of Roman family life? How were children brought up and educated? What of slaves in the household - were their prospects as unexciting as those of nineteenth-century domestic servants, or worse, or better? What work did people do? How did they occupy their leisure? What games did they play? How did they relax? Was there any such thing as retirement? What do we know about the country-house life of the rich? How much did people travel, and in what conditions? What were their entertainments? What was on at the theatre? What was the appeal of gladiatorial fighting? How were gladiators trained? The material for answering these and dozens of similar questions comes from a wide variety of sources: from Latin writers, inscriptions, papyri, mosaics, stone reliefs, graffiti.

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