
OZET Lif sanatinin onemli ve sira disi isimlerinden biri olan Ed Roosbach elli yili askin bir surede sayisiz eser birakmis Amerika’li bir sanatcidir. Ilk olarak kizkardesinin dokuma tezgahi ile tekstile merak duymus, lise yillarinda bir sergide tesadufen gordugu unlu Amerika’li dokuma sanatcisi Dorothy Liebes ‘in calismalarindan etkilenmistir. 1940 yilinda sanat egitimine resim ve tasarim alaninda Bauhaus’lu egitmenlerle baslamis, guclu bir alt yapi ile mezun olmustur. Yuksek Lisans egitimini unlu Cranbrook Sanat Akademisi’nde tekstil uzerine yapmistir. Burada Marienne Strengell ile dokuma yapilari, endustriyel dokuma tasarimi egitimi almistir. Mezuniyetinden sonra Washington Universitesi’ nde tekstil ve dokuma sinifinda dersler vermeye baslamistir. Dokuma ve kumas tasarimi hakkinda kendisine onemli bir bakis acisi kazandiran gelecegin unlu tekstil tasarimcisi asistan Jack Lenor Larsen ile burada tanismistir. Sanatci Kalifornia Universitesi-Berkeley’de 1950-1979 yillari arasinda kariyerini gelistirerek profesor olarak calismistir. Rossbach’in eserleri lif ve tekstil sanatlarini bugun geldigi konumuna tasiyan onemli adimlardan olmustur. Ozellikle malzeme, yapi ve bicimleriyle sepet orme tekniklerindeki yenilikci ve yaratici uygulamalari lif ve tekstil sanatina uc boyutlu bir form kazandirmasi acisindan onemlidir. Kendine ozgu sanat ve dunya gorusuyle eserlerinde olcu, malzeme, teknik, renk, doku kaygisi yasamamis istedigi gibi calismistir. Cesitli ozelliklerde dokuma, baski, boyama, orme ve etnik tekstiller kategorisinde sayisiz eseri ile bircok sergide yer almistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bauhaus, lif sanati, cagdas sanat, dokuma, tasarim, sepet. ONE OF THE PIONEERS OF FIBER ART, ED ROSSBACH ABSTRACT One of the significant and extraordinary names of fiber art, Ed Rossbach was an American artist who left countless works behind. He first took an interest in textile by her sister’s weaving loom and was impressed with weave artist Dorothy Liebes’ works which he saw coincidentally in an exhibition in his high school years. In 1940, he began his art education in painting and design field with educators from Bauhaus and was graduated with an impressive background. He got his MFA in textile in the famous Cranbrook Academy of Fine Arts and also got interested in ceramics. There he received education on weaving structures and industrial weaving design with Marienne Strengell. After graduation he began to teach in textile and weaving class in University of Washington. There he met future famous textile designer, assistant Jack Lenor Larsen who gave him a significant point of view on weaving and fabric design. By advancing in his career, the artist worked as a professor at the University of California, Berkley from 1950-1979. Rossbach’s works of art became one of the important steps that brought fiber and textile arts where they are today. Especially his innovative and creative practices in basket making methods in terms of material, structure and shape are significant in the sense of bringing three-dimensional form in fiber and textile art. With his distinctive art and world perspectives, he didn’t have any worries of size, material, method, colour and texture in his works and worked as he pleased. He took part in many exhibitions with his countless works in weaving, hem, dyeing, knitting and ethnic textile categories. Key Words: Bauhaus, fiber art, contemporary art, weaving, design, basket.

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