
AbstractWe extend the basic theory of Lie algebras of affine algebraic groups to the case of pro-affine algebraic groups over an algebraically closed fieldKof characteristic 0. However, some modifications are needed in some extensions. So we introduce the pro-discrete topology on the Lie algebra ℒ(G) of the pro-affine algebraic groupGoverK, which is discrete in the finite-dimensional case and linearly compact in general. As an example, ifLis any sub Lie algebra of ℒ(G), we show that the closure of [L,L] in ℒ(G) is algebraic in ℒ(G).We also discuss the Hopf algebra of representative functions H(L) of a residually finite dimensional Lie algebraL. As an example, we show that ifLis a sub Lie algebra of ℒ(G) andGis connected, then the canonical Hopf algebra morphism fromK[G] intoH(L) is injective if and only ifLis algebraically dense in ℒ(G).

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