
Libri (Consuetudines) Feudorum (Books (Customs) of Fees) is a compilation of Lombard feudal customs, which was formed in the process of ius commune reception from the 12th to the middle of the 13th centuries. The text was incorporated into the fifth “volume” of the medieval Corpus Iuris Civilis (Code of Justinian). The article is devoted to the LF history in the Kingdom of Castile and Leon in the initial period of ius commune (Roman Justinian and Reformed Canon Law) reception in the Iberian Peninsula (from the 13th to the 14th century). Based on a study of manuscript sources from Spanish collections, it is concluded that the external design and content of the manuscript MSS / 392 from the collection of the National Library in Madrid is related to the activities of royal legists involved in the reform of Castilian law, including the compilation and editing of “Seven Partid” ( Siete Partidas ) by Alfonso X Wise. That is evidenced by the structure of the codex, which consists of quires compiled by different scribes, from the character of the marginal inscriptions and some other criteria. In the National Library of Spain (Madrid) the manuscript MSS/392 is connected with some other manuscripts (MSS/825, MSS/577, MSS/13325, MSS/2139,MSS/9015 and some others) the appearance of which were also due to the activities of the legists.

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