
The problems of transformation processes of the leisure sphere in the conditions of the new society formation on the example of the urban population of the Yenisei province in the 1920s are studied. During the study period, the everyday practices of people, including traditional forms of leisure activities, fell into the focus of attention and regulation of the state. The role and place of libraries in the diversification of leisure practices of citizens is revealed. The mechanisms of emergence of common leisure practices of townspeople, i.e. participation in the work of libraries, which possibilities the state tried to use most effectively in the formation of a new Soviet way of life, are considered. The role of local authorities, mass media, and the townspeople themselves in the formation of a new way of life is noted. The positive side of the changes in the leisure sphere of the urban population of the province is emphasized. The article is based on the text materials of the local periodical “Krasnoyarsk Worker” (Krasnoyarskiy Rabochiy) for the understanding of the local situation in the conditions of the lack of personal origin materials; normative-legal acts and historical sources.

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