
Scientific activity is traditionally associated with activity of a creative, research nature, the results of which can satisfy the scientific interest of the researchers themselves, as well as the needs of industry, agriculture, the construction industry, medicine and many other spheres of activity of modern society. Thus, scientific activity is not limited only to inquiries related to actual scientific issues, and is not limited to any one scientific field. Real results are expected from modern science, capable of increasing the efficiency of various types of activities, providing a visible economic effect and social well-being. Meanwhile, the legal nature of legal relations implemented in the field of scientific activity, including the performance of scientific and research works, remains poorly researched.
 Scientific and scientific-technical activity is an integral part of the educational process, which ensures the integration of education and science. Recently, issues related to research and innovation activities are very relevant, which is due to the desire of our state to enter the innovative path of economic development.
 The high significance of the research topic is due to the desire of the state to enter the innovative path of economic development, in connection with which the role of contracts for the performance of scientific research works and their legal regulation is actualized. This is due to the fact that in a market economy the role and importance of funds of a civil-legal nature in the sphere of creation and use of both scientific and technical products and the results of intellectual activity (research works), which, in turn, acquire the properties of goods and are quite are widely involved in civilian turnover
 In this regard, the role of contracts for the performance of research, development and technological works is updated.
 Research works are a set of works aimed at obtaining new knowledge and practical application in the creation of a new product or technology.
 These contracts are one of the main "tools" for the registration of civil legal relations aimed at the implementation of research, development and technological works.

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