
List of Abbreviations. Section I: Introduction and Overview. Introduction M.T. Kamminga, S. Zia-Zarifi. 1. Business and Human Rights in a Time of Change C. Avery. An Overview of the Human Rights Accountability of Multinational Enterprises S. Joseph. Section II: International Approaches. 3. Attempts to Extend the Accountability of Transnational Corporations: The Role of UNCTAD P.T. Muchlinski. 4. The Beginning of a Sessional Working Group on Transnational Corporations Within the UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities D. Weissbrodt. 5. The Question of Jurisdiction Under International Criminal Law Over Legal Persons: Lessons from the Rome Conference on an International Criminal Court A. Clapham. 6. The Multilateral Agreement on Investment and the Review of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises J. Huner. Section III: Domestic Approaches. 7. Corporate Accountability: International Human Rights Litigation Against Corporations in US Courts B. Stephens. 8. US Litigation Update J. Green, P. Hoffman. 9. English Courts and Serious Human Rights Violations Abroad: A Preliminary Assessment M. Byers. Liability of Multinational Corporations: A Critical Stage in the UK R. Meeran. 11. Public International Law in Transnational Litigation Against Multinational Corporations: Prospects and Problems in the Courts of the Netherlands A. Nollkaemper. 12. Transnational Litigation Against Multinational Corporations Before Dutch Civil Courts G. Betlem. Appendices: 1: ILO Delcaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. 2: ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy. 3: OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. 4: Resolution on EU Standards for European Enterprises Operating in Developing Countries. Cases and Communications Relevant to the Liability of Multinational Corporations. Select Table of Treaties, Declarations and Other International Instruments. Table of Statutes and Legislative Instruments. Select Bibliography.

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