
In today’s connected world, there is a tendency for connectivity even in the sectors which conventionally have been not so connected in the past, such as power systems substations. Substations have seen considerable digitalization of the grid hence, providing much more available insights than before. This has all been possible due to connectivity, digitalization, and automation of the power grids. Interestingly, this also means that anybody can access such critical infrastructures from a remote location, and gone are the days of physical barriers. The power of connectivity and control makes it a much more challenging task to protect critical industrial control systems. This capability comes at a price, in this case, increasing the liabilities and risk of potential cyber threats to substations. (ASIF, FARHAN , & EKSTEDT) Keywords: Digital Evidence Backlog, Digital Forensic Challenges BOOK Chapter ǀ Research Nexus in IT, Law, Cyber Security & Forensics. Open Access. Distributed Free Citation: Eric Sowah Badger (2022): Liabilities of Shared System in Forensic Analysis Book Chapter Series on Research Nexus in IT, Law, Cyber Security & Forensics. Pp 191-196 www.isteams.net/ITlawbookchapter2022. dx.doi.org/10.22624/AIMS/CRP-BK3-P31

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