
Luteinizing hormone is the major regulator of Leydig cell differentiation and steroidogenic function. A number of hormones produced by the Leydig cell (e.g. estrogen, angiotensin, CRF, vasopressin) and the tubular compartment (inhibin, TGF beta), can influence both acute and long-term actions of LH. Conversely, hormones produced in the Leydig cells modulate tubular function (e.g. androgen, beta-endorphin, oxytocin). The LH stimulatory event can be negatively influenced by the action of angiotensin II through the guanyl nucleotide inhibitory unit of adenylate cyclase. We have recently discovered an action of corticotrophin releasing hormone through specific high-affinity low-capacity receptors in the Leydig cells which involves a pertussis toxin insensitive guanyl nucleotide regulatory unit with interaction between signalling pathways and resulting inhibition of LH induced cAMP generation and consequently of steroidogenesis. In contrast to other tissues the CRF receptor in the Leydig cells did not couple to Gs. CRF action is exerted through direct or indirect action of protein kinase C, at the level of the catalytic subunit of adenylate cyclase. Physiological increases in endogenous LH cause positive regulation of membrane receptors and steroidogenesis, while major elevations in circulating gonadotropin can induce down-regulation of LH receptors and desensitization of steroid responses in the adult cell. Gonadotropin-induced desensitization in adult rat tests include an estrogen mediated steroidogenic lesion of the microsomal enzymes 17 alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-desmolase. For further understanding of the regulation of this key enzyme of the androgen pathway the rat P450(17) alpha cDNA was cloned and sequenced. This cDNA expressed in COS-1 cells 17 alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-desmolase activities. From the deduced amino acid sequence, two transmembrane regions were identified, a signal peptide for insertion in the ER, and a 2nd transmembrane region separated from the first by 122 amino acids. The carboxy terminal non-transmembrane region possesses 4 hydrophobic clefts, of which cleft II would contain the putative steroid binding site for both hydroxylase and lyase activities. The rat cDNA was employed to evaluate the hormonal regulation of mRNA levels in adult and fetal Leydig cells. Low dose hCG treatment caused an early increase in mRNA levels followed by a return to control values at later times, while with higher desensitizing doses the initial increase in mRNA was followed by a marked reduction in mRNA at 24 h and a small recovery at 48 h. Fetal rat Leydig cells treated with E2 showed a 70% decrease in P450 mRNA levels, and testosterone production closely followed the changes in mRNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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