
«The Age of the Saints» : Millenarism and Breton migration. Analyzing some Breton hagiographical files from the High Middle Ages (Vitae Samsonis, Machuti, Winwaloei ), one might enhance how Easter-connected eschatological meanings were carried about by monastic hagiographers in the 8th and 9th c. Moreover, recent research by computists has established that the so-called «Celtic » computus had been elaborated by Sulpicius Severus, and transmitted to the Churches over the Channel by Martin's followers in the Gaulish Church. The millenarist aspiration which underlies Sulpicius' speculations recovered a fresh momentum when Clovis was baptized, this event being presented as the beginning of the exspected millenium. The second Breton migration (that of the «saints») started precisely when the Frankish king converted himself. Could it be infered that if the Breton «saints» migrated to the Continent after Clovis' baptism, it was because Insular clerics accepted the idea that the conversion of the Frankish king had initiated the expected millenium ?

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