
In this paper, we study specific relations between uses of the same verb lexeme that stem from changes in the linking of situational participants, valency complementations and surface syntactic positions – we refer to them as alternations. The focus is on the types that are expressed by lexical-semantic means and result in changes in valency frames of verbs. Lexicalized alternations can be exemplified by the well-known pair naložit seno na vůz – naložit vůz senem ‘to load hay on the truck – to load the truck with hay’. We present and analyze three basic types of lexicalized alternations in Czech. They may be characterized as either conversive, or non-conversive. The conversive lexicalized alternations represent central ones in the language system and are here referred to as (i) the lexical-semantic conversions (e.g., the locative alternation, the Bearer-Location alternation, Material-Product alternation, spread alternation etc.). On the other hand, the non-conversive alternations are rather peripheral; we can in64 troduce/mention? esp. (ii) different structural expressions of a single situational participant (e.g., vyjit na kopec – vyjit kopec ‘climb up the hill – climb the hill’) and (iii) the structural splitting of a situational participant (e.g., theme-dictum splitting for Czech verbs of communication and mental action). Furthermore, we propose a formal framework that allows us to represent different types of lexicalized alternations in the valency lexicon of Czech verbs, VALLEX. For this purpose, the lexicon is divided into the data component and the rule component. In the data part, each lexical unit of a given lexeme is characterized (primarily) by its valency frame; moreover, a list of applicable lexical alternations is attached to it. Presented in the rule part are general lexical rules specifying changes in the linking of situational participants and valency complementations typical of individual lexicalized alternations.

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