
ABSTRACT The picture word interference (PWI) paradigm and ERPs were used to investigate whether lexical selection in deaf and hearing ASL-English bilinguals occurs via lexical competition or whether the response exclusion hypothesis (REH) for PWI effects is supported. The REH predicts that semantic interference should not occur for bimodal bilinguals because sign and word responses do not compete within an output buffer. Bimodal bilinguals named pictures in ASL, preceded by either a translation equivalent, semantically-related, or unrelated English written word. In both the translation and semantically-related conditions bimodal bilinguals showed facilitation effects: reduced RTs and N400 amplitudes for related compared to unrelated prime conditions. We also observed an unexpected focal left anterior positivity that was stronger in the translation condition, which we speculate may be due to articulatory priming. Overall, the results support the REH and models of bilingual language production that assume lexical selection occurs without competition between languages.

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