
The peculiar phenomenon in the field of mass communication is religious periodicals. On the one hand, it has common peculiarities by which periodicals are characterized, on the other hand it has a special communicative purpose and a range of topics covered. The aim of the article is to carry out a general analysis of the lexical composition of religious Christian periodical texts. The classification of the periodical religious publication lexical composition was carried out in the article on the publication of the newspaper «Volyn diocesan reports» (2004–2018). The specificity of the lexical composition is determined by topics of publications. In religious periodicals, first of all, problems of faith, spirituality, Christian ethics, norms of moral behavior of a Christian, church and religious life are violated, as a result of which the vocabulary on named realities designation becomes a stylish one. Among them, the vocabulary on the designation of the highest God’s people of the Christian religion, names of religious holidays, posts, memorable days is represented most quantitatively, as well as the vocabulary reflecting the organizational life of the church as an establishment and public institution (names of clergy posts, holy dignitaries, items of church use). Onomastic vocabulary and vocabulary on the designation of religious holidays are usually used in canonical forms, thus folk forms and newly created words are witnessed. Medical vocabulary is widely presented.A specific feature of the researched journal is that popular science materials about volyn shrines – icons are being constantly published in it, using a special art terminology.In religious periodical issues of political, social, economic, cultural life are actively discussed which determines the use of vocabulary denoting these realities.Religious periodicals, as well as secular media editions, demonstrate processes of a spoken vocabulary active usage.

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