
This book is designed to be a comprehensive exploration of the fascinating world of morphology, a branch of linguistics concerned with the structure of words. The study of morphology bridges the gap between the phonetic or phonological processes that affect sounds and the syntactic processes that govern sentence structure, offering insights into the building blocks of the language itself. Our exploration begins with fundamental questions: What exactly is a word? How do we distinguish between the different types of words and their functions within a language? These initial enquiries set the stage for a deeper investigation of the nature of morphemes, the smallest units of meaning in a language, and the complex interplay between form and meaning that characterizes word structure. The book is structured to guide the readers, through a range of topics designed to build comprehensive understanding of morphological theory and its applications. From the foundational aspects of words and lexemes to the intricacies of lexeme formation and the mental lexicon, each unit was crafted to provide both theoretical insights and practical examples. Through typological analysis, we explore derivational processes, the productivity and creativity inherent in word formation, and the structural diversity found in languages worldwide. A significant focus is placed on how we, as speakers and listeners, store and retrieve words in our minds. Through examples and discussion, we examine how words are represented in the mind, the role of dictionaries in understanding word structure, and the implications of lexical gaps and innovations in language that reflect the complexity of human cognition and culture. The book also addresses more advanced topics such as the theoretical challenges in morphological analysis, including the nature of morphological rules, lexical integrity, and the debate between different morphological theories.

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