
SummaryThe LMF ISO standard provides a large cover of lexical knowledge using a fine structure. However, like most of the electronic dictionaries, the available normalized LMF dictionaries comprise only basic morpho‐syntactic and semantic knowledge, such as the meanings of lexical entries through the definitions and the associated examples, and sometimes the indication of the synonyms and antonyms. Other sophisticated knowledge, such as the syntactic behaviors, semantic classes and syntactico‐semantic links, which are scarce, requires a high expertise and its adding to dictionaries is expensive. In fact in this paper, we propose an approach of lexical data mining of the widely available textual content associated with the meanings, notably in the normalized LMF dictionaries, in order to perform the self‐enrichment of these dictionaries. First, we contribute to the enrichment of the syntactic behaviors by linking them to the suitable meanings. Second, we focus on the enrichment of the meanings of LMF lexical entries with semantic classes based on the Gaston Gross semantic classification. Finally, we establish the syntactico‐semantic links based on the results of the syntactic and semantic enrichment processes. The proposed approach has been consolidated by an experimentation carried out on an available normalized LMF dictionary for Arabic language.

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