
A combination of detailed petrography and in situ SIMS 207 Pb 206 Pb micro-chronometry of monazite has been carried out on samples from the Lewisian high-grade metamorphic terrain, northwest Scotland. Two episodes of granulite-facies metamorphism have been recognized, the thermal maxima of which are estimated at or before 2760 ± 12 Ma (2σ) and at 2526 ± 8 Ma, respectively. Pegmatites at Scourie crystallised at ∼ 2480 Ma. The amphibolite-facies metamorphism of the main Laxfordian event is estimated at 1752 ± 12 Ma and the formation of kyanite and staurolite is associated with this event. The oldest ages of ∼ 2760 Ma have been obtained from micro-inclusions of monazite in garnet. It appears that garnet, which has a high closure temperature for the UPb system, plays an important role in the behaviour of the monazite UPb system. It serves to shield monazite from reaction with the other phases and to armour monazine from diffusive Pb loss or from resetting.

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