
The Lewis acidity of estertin chlorides, Cl 3SnCH 2CH 2CO 2R (R = Me, Pr i, Ph and H) and Cl 2Sn(CH 2CH 2CO 2R) 2 (R = Me and Pr i) has been investigated. Stability constants ( K 1, K 2 and K 3) for adducts of these Lewis acids with nitrogen donors, e.g. D = bipy, phen, py, quinoline and aniline, have been determined in CH 2Cl 2 solution at 25 ± 1°C by UV and IR methods. From comparisons ▪ of stability constants, the following conclusions can be made: (i) Cl 3SnCH 2CH 2CO 2Me appears as strong a Lewis acid as MeSnCl 3 towards bidentate ligands and a single py molecule (from K 1 values); (ii) Cl 3SnCH 2CH 2CO 2Me · D (D = monodentate ligand) is a poorer acceptor than MeSnCl 3 · D but comparable to Me 2SnCl 2 (using K 2 and K 3 values) towards D, and (iii) Cl 2Sn(CH 2CH 2CO 2R) 2 is a weaker acceptor than Cl 2SnMe 2 towards phen and bipy (from K 3 values). Qualitatively it was established that for Cl 3SnCH 2CH 2CO 2R, the sequence of acidity is R = Ph > Me > Pr i > H towards bipy. Adducts of Cl 3SnCH 2CH 2CO 2Me and Cl 2Sn(CH 2CH 2CO 2Me) 2 with phen and bipy have similar Mösbauer parameters to those for other phen and bipy adducts of organotin trichloride and diorganotin dichloride.

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