
Vladimir Semyonovich Levit was born in 1883 and after graduation from the gymnasium he studied at the Medical Faculty of the University of Koenigsberg (1901-1906), worked in the Ardatov Zemstvo of the Simbirsk Gubernia. In 1914, Vladimir Semenovich defended his doctoral dissertation, became head of the surgical department of the Simbirsk Province Hospital, and began teaching at a paramedic school. V.S. Levit was elected privat-docent of the faculty surgical clinic of Tomsk University (1919), privat-docent (1922), then professor and head of the department of the faculty surgical clinic, dean of the medical faculty (1922-1926) of Irkutsk University, head of the department of hospital surgery of medical faculty. 2 Moscow University (since 1926), which is headed for 27 years. V.S. Levit for the first time in the USSR successfully resected cardia (1928), surgery for hernia of the esophageal aperture (1929). In 1936 he was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the RSFSR. During the Great Patriotic War V.S. Levit was appointed chief surgeon of the Moscow Military District, deputy chief surgeon of the Soviet Army (1942), and in 1943 he became a major general of the medical service. Since 1950, V.S. Levit - chief surgeon of the Central Military Hospital. P.V. Mandrika. He published 120 scientific works, he was the editor of 3-volume manual, 2-volume textbook on surgery, the surgical section of the Great Medical Encyclopedia, the publication "The Experience of Soviet Medicine in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." V.S. Levit was the editor of the magazine "Soviet Surgery" (later "Surgery") (1931-1953), a member of the editorial board of the journals "New Surgery", "Russian Clinic", "Central Medical Journal." He was the head and scientific consultant in the preparation of 23 candidate and 10 doctoral dissertations. V.S. Levit was a member of the International Surgical Society, chairman of the Moscow Surgical Society, a member of the Academic Council of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, and district Soviets of Working People's Deputies. V.S. Leviticus was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, the Red Star, medals. V.S. Leviticus died in 1961 in Moscow.

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