
The manuscript presents the FDA's focus on leveraging prior knowledge in designing informative pediatric trial through this case study. In developing written request for Drug X, an anti-hypertensive for immediate blood pressure (BP) control, the sponsor and FDA conducted clinical trial simulations (CTS) to design trial with proper sample size and support the choice of dose range. The objective was to effectively use prior knowledge from adult patients for drug X, pediatric data from Corlopam (approved for a similar indication) trial and general experience in developing anti-hypertensive agents. Different scenarios governing the exposure response relationship in the pediatric population were simulated to perturb model assumptions. The choice of scenarios was based on the past observation that pediatric population is less responsive and sensitive compared with adults. The conceptual framework presented here should serve as an example on how the industry and FDA scientists can collaborate in designing the pediatric exclusivity trial. Using CTS, inter-disciplinary scientists with the sponsor and FDA can objectively discuss the choice of dose range, sample size, endpoints and other design elements. These efforts are believed to yield plausible trial design, qrational dosing recommendations and useful labeling information in pediatrics.

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