
Research has recognized deductive reasoning as challenging but not impossible for young mathematics learners. In this paper, we present a learning environment developed to assist elementary-school students to bridge the empirical-deductive gap in the context of parity of numbers. Using the commognitive framework, we construe the empirical-deductive gap as part of a broader divide between two discourses that abide by different rules of a “mathematical game”: a discourse on specific numbers and a discourse on numeric patterns. Interdiscursivity is leveraged as a mechanism for instructional design, where students’ familiar routines with specific numbers are teased out and advanced to make sense in the new discourse. We mobilize this mechanism to create opportunities for students to play an active role in recognizing issues with empirical reasoning and generating deductive arguments to establish the validity of universal statements. The environment is illustrated with a small group of 8-year-olds who learned to justify deductively that “odd + odd = even”.

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