
Four experiments are reported investigating previous findings that speech perception interferes with concurrent verbal memory but difficult nonverbal perceptual tasks do not, to any great degree. The forgetting produced by processing noisy speech could not be attributed to task difficulty, since equally difficult nonspeech tasks did not produce forgetting, and the extent of forgetting produced by speech could be manipulated independently of task difficulty. The forgetting could not be attributed to similarity between memory material and speech stimuli, since clear speech, analyzed in a simple and probably acoustically mediated discrimination task, produced little forgetting. The forgetting could not be attributed to a combination of similarity and difficutly since a very easy speech task involving clear speech produced as much forgetting as noisy speech tasks, as long as overt reproduction of the stimuli was required. By assuming that noisy speech and overtly reproduced speech are processed at a phonetic level but that clear, repetitive speech can be processed at a purely acoustic level, the forgetting produced by speech perception could be entirely attributed to the level at which the speech was processed. In a final experiment, results were obtained which suggest that if prior set induces processing of noisy and clear speech at comparable levels, the difference between the effects of noisy speech processing and clear speech processing on concurrent memory is completely eliminated.

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