
Purpose of the study. Analyzing the dynamics of VEGF-А, TGF-β and their receptors in the lung tissues in rats with antitumor effect of 1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide (Stellanin).Material and methods. The study included white outbred rats weighing 180–220 g. The main group included males (n=27) and females (n=27) with sarcoma 45 (s45) inoculated into the subclavian vein but not developed in the lungs (2×106 cells in 0.5 ml of saline) due to the subsequent intragastric administration of Stellanin (0.4 mg/kg once a day) according to an intermittent scheme: administration for 5 days and a break for 2 days. The control group included males (n=14) and females (n=14) without treatment with growing s45 in the lungs. Intact groups included 5 males and 5 females. After 4, 5 and 8 weeks of the experiment animals were decapitated, and levels of VEGF-A, sVEGF-R1, sVEGF-R2, TGF-β and sTGFβR2 were measured in 10% lung homogenates by ELISA (CUSABIO BIOTECH Co., Ltd., China).Results. Lung tissues of intact females showed 1.4 times (p<0.05) lower VEGF-А and 3.3 times higher sVEGF-R1, compared to males. The development of tumors in all control rats was accompanied by the VEGF-А increase (by 1.6–3.0 times) and the TGF-β reduction (by 3 times). The dynamics of both VEGF receptors differed in males and females. The levels of sVEGF-R1 in males increased by 1.5 times (p<0.05), while in females it decreased by 1.8 times (p<0.05), and as a result, the levels became similar in all animals. The levels of sVEGF-R2 in males decreased by 2 times, and in females it increased by 1.4 times (p<0.05), so the sVEGF-R2 content in females became 2.4 times higher than in males. In two-thirds of rats, Stellanin prevented s45 development in the lungs due to inhibition of VEGF-A growth by more than 2.0 times and an increase in concentrations of sVEGF-R1 by 10.0 times and TGF-β by 6.0 times, together with normalization of sVEGF-R2 and sTGFβR2.Conclusions. Stellanin prevents the development of malignant process in the lungs by inhibiting neoangiogenesis (deficiency of VEGF-A and excess of sVEGF-R1) and suppressing the proliferation of malignant cells (TGF-β growth).


  • Исследования и практика в медицине 2020, т. 7, No4, с. 27-35 Е.М.Франциянц, И.В.Каплиева*, Л.К.Трепитаки / Содержание факторов роста в лёгких при их злокачественном поражении и профилактическом действии

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СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ФАКТОРОВ РОСТА В ЛЁГКИХ ПРИ ИХ ЗЛОКАЧЕСТВЕННОМ ПОРАЖЕНИИ И ПРОФИЛАКТИЧЕСКОМ ДЕЙСТВИИ 1,3-ДИЭТИЛБЕНЗИМИДАЗОЛИЯ ТРИЙОДИДА В ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТЕ. Изучить динамику VEGF-А, TGF-β и их рецепторов в ткани легкого крыс на фоне антиканцерогенного действия 1,3‐диэтилбензимидазолия трийодида (Стелланина). Через 4, 5 и 8 недель эксперимента крыс декапитировали, в 10% гомогенатах лёгких методом ИФА определяли: VEGF-A, sVEGF-R1, sVEGF-R2, TGF-β и sTGFβR2 (CUSABIO BIOTECH Co., Ltd., Китай). Формирование неоплазм в лёгких у всех контрольных крыс сопровождалось ростом VEGF-А (в 1,6–3,0 раза) и трёхкратной редукцией TGF-β. У 2/3 крыс Стелланин предупреждал развитие с45 в лёгких за счёт торможения роста VEGF-А — более чем в 2,0 раза и увеличения концентраций: sVEGF-R1 — в 10,0 раз и TGF-β — в 6,0 раз на фоне нормализации sVEGF-R2 и sTGFβR2. Стелланин предупреждает развитие злокачественного процесса в лёгких путём угнетения неоангиогенеза (дефицит VEGF-А и избыток sVEGF-R1) и подавления пролиферации злокачественных клеток (рост TGF-β). National Medical Research Centre for Oncology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 63 14 line str., Rostov-on-Don 344037, Russian Federation

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