
The levels of choline intermediate endogenous pools in structures of the visual system (retina, optic nerve, lateral geniculate body, superior colliculus) and in sciatic nerve of adult (4-month-old) and young (30-day-old) rats were measured. The amounts were also obtained from retina, optic nerve, optic tectum and cranio-spinal nerves of a primitive elasmobranch, the smooth dogfish Mustelus canis, and from related nervous structures (retina, optic lobe, fin nerve, stellar nerve and stellate ganglia) of a marine invertebrate, the squid Loligo pealei. In all regions of rat nervous system, the pool size of CDP-choline was much smaller than that of free choline, whereas GroPCho was present in a relatively higher content. The pool sizes of choline intermediates in 30- and 120-day-old rats were nearly the same. In nervous system regions of the dogfish and squid, the values followed the same general trend as observed for rat. Squid nervous tissues had the lowest choline and GroPCho contents. The rat retina showed the lowest glycerophosphorylcholine phosphodiesterase activity. The chemical studies described here confirm the basic similarity in the pattern of choline intermediate pool sizes among animal species widely different in phylogenetic position. The data highly reinforce the idea that the precursor role of choline and catabolic pathways for the maintenance of the PtdCho membraneous pool seem highly conserved during evolution.

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