
The COVID pandemic has 0drastically changed the functioning of universities in Spain and may have altered individuals' behaviours and emotions, the way they engage in the learning process and their psychological well-being. Burnout syndrome is a psychological problem that arises from persistent confrontation with emotional and interpersonal stressors. COVID-related burnout among Spanish students has received little research attention. For this study, a pre-post cohort study design was used. Data were collected using the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey, the Granada Burnout Questionnaire for university students, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale and the Fear of CoronaVirus-19 scale. The population was composed of two samples of 190 and 226 students from Spanish universities. According to the results obtained, significant differences were observed between the pre- and post-test samples. Levels of burnout were higher after the COVID-19 pandemic and students' levels of engagement have dropped significantly following their experiences of the COVID pandemic. This study shows the impact that the covid pandemic has had on Spanish university students, impacts which may have had important consequences for their mental and physical health. It is necessary to implement intervention programs to enable students to recover, at least, the levels of burnout and engagement prevailing before the outbreak of the pandemic.

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