
The existing scheme of classification of transport routes (railways and roads) depending on the intensity of the traffic load — flows of vehicles and speeds of their movement — is shown. It is noted that there are no universal classifications of transport routes at the global level within the same transport mode. There are national, regional and network-based pathway classification systems. Due to the development of digital traffic management systems in transport, classifications of lines of transport depending on the level of automation of the rolling stock have started to appear. The classifications adopted in the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the main modes of transport — land (railways, roads), water (maritime and river transport) — considered. Bearing in mind the railway transport of the Russian Federation, the set of basic concepts adopted in the Provisional National Standard of the Russian Federation given the levels of automation in the control system of railway rolling stock in automatic and remote modes, predetermining the requirements for railway infrastructure — structures and devices, respectively. A similar situation found in the classification system for smart roads proposed by the International Road Congress Association. A conclusion on the need to revise the normative documentation for the design of construction (reconstruction) of communication lines to include a calculated level of automation formulated.

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