
Decay of 178m,g Lu has been studied by using Ge(Li), NaI(Tl) and plastic detectors. Sources were prepared by the 179 Hf(γ, p) 178m,g Lu reaction. Thirty-nine of forty γ-rays are assigned to the 178 Hf level scheme, which includes six newly observed levels at 1174.4( I π K =2 + 2), 1199.3(0 + 0), 1276.8(2 + 0) and 1322.4(3 - 2) keV in the 178g Lu decay and at 1364.04(9 - 8) and 1601.6(10 - 8) keV in the 178m Lu decay. Q β values are 2.05±0.05 MeV for 178g Lu and 2.25±0.03 MeV for 178m Lu. The most probable spin-parity assignments of 1 + and 9 - are proposed for the ground and isomeric states of 178 Lu, respectively. There is reasonable agreement between the experimental β branching ratios from 178m Lu to the 8 - band at 1147 keV and the Alaga rules. Discussions on the 178 Hf levels are made mainly on the basis of log f t values.

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