
The reactions 26Mg(α, n) 29Si, 26Mg(α, γ) 30Si and 26Mg(α, α) 26Mg have been investigated for E α = 2.5−4.3 MeV. Twenty-nine resonances were observed in the 26Mg(α, n) 29Si reaction and the total widths of the corresponding 30Si levels were estimated. Three of the resonances were also seen in the 26Mg(α, γ) 30Si reaction and their spin and parity could be determined from angular distribution data for the ground state transition. The measured resonance strengths were found to support the isobaric spin selection rule for El transitions in self-conjugate nuclei. A multi-channel multi-level R-matrix calculation was used to analyse the elastic scattering data, yielding spin, parity and partial widths of the observed levels.

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