
High-spin states of 95,97Mo (Z=42, N=53,55) nuclei have been investigated through 82Se(18O, xn) reaction at Eb=60 MeV. The level scheme in 95Mo has been observed upto ≏ 10 MeV in the present experiment. The level structure shows mainly single particle character. In 97Mo, the ground state level sequence has been extended to ≏ 4.5 MeV while the previous information had been up to 2.4 MeV. A negative parity band built on 1437 keV (11/2−) excited state has been extended to 5.5 MeV. The structure seems to show a coexistence of single particle and collective modes of excitation. Properties of both the nuclei have been compared with shell model calculations using OXBASH.

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