
The relative intensities of X rays and γ rays from the decay of 182Ta were measured precisely using Si(Li) and HPGe detectors. The intensities of the different components of K and L X rays were measured for the first time. The conversion electron intensities for the transitions with energy above 800 keV from the 182Ta decay were measured using a mini-orange electron spectrometer and the internal conversion coefficients for various transitions in 182W deduced. The (M + N)-conversion coefficients for the 1001.7, 1189.1, 1231.0, 1257.2, 1289.2, and 1342.7 keV transitions in 182W were measured for the first time. Also, γ–γ coincidence and correlation measurements were carried out using a HPGe–HPGe coincidence setup (2τ = 7 ns). The directional correlation coefficients for the 928–229, 960–229, 1002–229, 1044–229, 1158–229, 1223–229, and 1002–222 keV cascades in 182W are determined for the first time. The multipole mixing ratio for the 152, 156, 179, 222, 928, 1002, 1113, 1158, 1223, and 1231 keV transitions are deduced from the present directional correlation and conversion coefficient measurements. Experimental ratios of reduced transition probabilities for the transitions in 182W from positive and negative parity states are deduced and compared with the values predicted by the symmetric rotor model. From this comparison a unique K assignment of Kπ = 1+ and Kπ = 1− is made to the bands built on the 1257 and 1553 keV levels, respectively.

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