
The generalization of the Dyson Brownian motion approach of random matrices to Anderson localization (AL) models (Chalker et al 1996 Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 554) and to many-body localization (MBL) Hamiltonians (Serbyn and Moore 2015 arXiv:1508.07293) is revisited to extract the level repulsion exponent β, where in the delocalized phase governed by the Wigner–Dyson statistics, , in the localized phase governed by the Poisson statistics, and at the critical point. The idea is that the Gaussian disorder variables hi are promoted to Gaussian stationary processes hi(t) in order to sample the disorder stationary distribution with some time correlation τ. The statistics of energy levels can then be studied via Langevin and Fokker–Planck equations. For the MBL quantum spin Hamiltonian with random fields hi, we obtain in terms of the Edwards–Anderson matrix for the same eigenstate m = n and for consecutive eigenstates m = n + 1. For the Anderson localization tight-binding Hamiltonian with random on-site energies hi, we find in terms of the density correlation matrix for consecutive eigenstates m = n + 1, while the diagonal element m = n corresponds to the inverse participation ratio of the eigenstate .

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