
Abstract Oxygen-16 ions with energies of 35 to 44.8 MeV have been used to Coulomb excite levels of the even molybdenum isotope 96 Mo. The de-excitation γ-radiations from the Coulomb excited states at 778.22(2 + ), 1148.0(0 + ), 1497.70(2 + ), 1625.8(2 + ), 1628.10(4 + ), 1869.51(4 + ) and 2234.5 keV (3 − ) have been observed with a 45 cm 3 Ge(Li) detector having 2.0 keV resolution for the 60 Co lines. The reduced electromagnetic transition values for most of the observed transitions were calculated using the general formulation of the semi-classical theory to first and second order. It is shown that this treatment is quite adequate to extract reliable results from the simple and double E2 Coulomb excitation process in the 96 Mo nucleus. In addition, Ge(Li)Ge(Li) directional correlation measurements were performed on cascades from the decays of 96 Nb and 96g Tc. These experiments showed that the 719.55 keV γ-ray de-exciting the 2 + ′ state at 1497.70 keV to the 2 + level at 778.22 keV is mostly an M1 transition ( δ = −0.42 +0.20 −0.27 ) and that the 2440.64 and 2755.0 keV levels have, most probably, a spin-parity value of 6 + . Furthermore, a reinvestigation of the disintegration of 96 Nb and the 96m, g Tc isomeric pair, performed with the 45 cm 3 Ge(Li) detector, revealed the existence of several new γ-transitions and levels in the structure of 96 Mo.

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