
Aims: The objective of this study is to evaluate the exposure of consumers to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and to estimate the health risk related to the consumption of braised fish from eight (8) communes of the District of Abidjan in order to contribute to the protection of these consumers.
 Study Design: This experimental study consisted in sampling fish cooked with charcoal embers in the collective catering circuit, followed by the determination of PAHs and the estimation of health risks.
 Place and Duration of Study: The braised fish samples were collected in the Autonomous District of Abidjan and analyses were performed at the Central Laboratory of Agrochemistry and Ecotoxicology between January and March 2015.
 Methodology: PAHs were extracted and purified on a Bond Eut C18 cartridge and then determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) according to ISO 15753.
 Results: All the eight (8) PAH molecules investigated were found in varying concentrations and numbers in the braised fish depending on their origin. Concentrations range from 0.013 \(\mu\)g/kg to 1.246 \(\mu\)g/kg for individual molecules and from 0.670 \(\mu\)g/kg to 3.271 \(\mu\)g/kg for total PAHs (TPAHs) regardless of the municipality and PAH molecule. In addition, 0-25% of the samples are non-compliant with the standard for PAHs and 0-13% for TPAHs. Also, braised fish collected in the communes of Marcory and Plateau contain eight (8) molecules while variable numbers of molecules are found in those from other communes. Thus, seven (7) molecules were found in four communes (Abobo, Cocody, Koumassi, Port-Bouet) and six (6) molecules in two communes (Treichville, Yopougon). However, all hazard quotients (0.00000-0.00041) are less than 1 regardless of the municipality and PAH molecule.
 Conclusion: These results are essential to improve the safety of braised fish made available to consumers of differents communes of the District of Abidjan. These results recommend the consideration of other sources of PAH in the diet although the hazard quotients are less than 1 because PAH molecules have a cumulative power in the body.

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