
In the present calculation we have used the Monte Carlo method of generating collective spin and total energy of the nucleus for various configurations of the system with N0 single particle states available for n number of particles. The different configurations (arrangements of occupied single particle states) leading to a particular energy E and spin J are then collected to get the density of states for the given energy E and spin J. We find that if we use the cranked Nilsson model single particle states for the rotational frequency Ω = 0.0ħω, 0.05ħω and 0.1ħω there is a shift in the maximum density of states Wmax with a tendency for the system to become more oblate or prolate depending on the shift in the maximum density of states as the angular momentum decreases or increases. The change in nuclear level density with collectivity, i.e. with the use of cranked Nilsson model single particle levels has been noticed.

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